After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to pause production on the KONG Coolers product line. This decision was not made lightly, but due to economic conditions, rising manufacturing costs, and other factors, it has become increasingly challenging to maintain the level of quality and service you deserve. Thank you for your support of the KONG Coolers brand over the years. While this chapter is coming to a close, we are immensely grateful for the community of outdoor enthusiasts who have trusted us to join their adventures.
Although production has ceased, we remain committed to honoring our warranty obligations. If you purchased a KONG cooler or KONG handles & latches prior to September 17, 2024, you still have Elkhart Plastics LLC’s Limited Lifetime Warranty for the KONG cooler and five-year warranty for KONG handles & latches, and you can use the form hyperlinked below to submit a warranty claim.
If you purchased a KONG Cooler or KONG accessories on or after September 17, 2024, your Kong cooler and KONG accessories were sold “AS-IS” – with no warranty. These sales are FINAL. Elkhart makes no warranty whatsoever, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or against infringement. In the event warranties exist at law that may not be disclaimed, you agree that such warranties shall be limited in duration to one year from the date of original purchase and your remedy is limited to a pro-rate refund of the price you paid for the Kong cooler or KONG handles & latches.
Our customer service team is still here to assist you. Hours are limited, so please allow 3-5 business days to receive a response. Please don’t hesitate to reach out: